Executive Coaching

Leaders are routinely faced with ever more complex needs and change

Often expected to drive forward the latest initiative forward and increase performance often with no new resource or at short notice or long-term institutional planning. For new and experienced Leaders alike, this can feel like an uphill struggle.

Individual Coaching provides time and space to reflect on such complex problems when time is hard to find. A systems dynamic approach can help Leaders improve capacity to think more clearly, draw lines and take up their authority in role with more vision, allow them to find their own views and solutions to the pressing problems they face, as well as think about other longer-term solutions to develop and manage upwards, downwards and sideways. This can make them feel more satisfied in the role.

As a coach working both above and below the surface, I can help explore any detrimental impact on functioning feeling so pressurised can have and think about the more productive ways of managing self and working alongside these often-confusing dynamics. I can then help untangle links between different parts of the organisational system which can offer a broader exploration of possible approaches to take up. This allows further internal capacity to come forward to work with others, build alliances and influence in challenging environments.

Clients are given regular feedback, reviewing the work as it proceeds, ensuring goal directed work.

Meetings are confidential unless it is agreed that it would be beneficial to offer feedback to the organisation itself, which would be agreed at the outset.


Clients describe a sustainable impact on their working life, with clear benefits to themselves and the organisation, including:

  • Greater confidence in taking up their role

  • Increased ability to influence

  • More ability to use a full range of experience, both emotional and intellectual, as a resource to understand their own and others behaviours

  • Greater capacity to manage uncertainty, manage the anxiety that arises with this

  • More capacity to reflect and learn